Helping Widows from May 2010


She has no family. She is 81 years old.

She could not afford to eat as there is no-one to provide for her and she was living on hand-outs. Some days she would go hungry.

KEWT have been providing her with food twice a day from May 2010.


She has a 3 children. She is 42 years old. Her husband died in 2009.

She has no-one to provide for her and her children. Her children are aged, 4, 6, and 7 years old.

KEWT have been providing this widow with food twice a day from June 2010 as well as providing School Uniform for her children at School.

MAY 2010 - Started Helping Widows.
1. Over 60 and has 1 daughter mentally ill over the age of 30
2. Over 60, has no children
3. Over 60, has no children
4. Over 50, has no children, no siblings or relatives
5. Over 75, has no children
6. Over 40, has 1 mentally ill age around 14
7. In her 30's, has 3 young children
8. In her 40's, has 5 children
9. In her 50's, 1 child working on a very low income, 1 child studying